Sunday, December 26, 2010

The start of something new..=)

     Christmas has already come and gone and I feel like it went by way too fast! This Christmas season has been amazing and to make it even better.. last night it started snowing!! Oh how I love snow <3 Jaq didnt know what to think about it.. everytime we took him out he starting munching on it like it was a snack =D For Christmas this year as I mentioned we drew names and Mom and dad still do stockings and some santa gifts ;) This year our big Santa gift was a trip to the beach next summer!!!! Well Mom and Dad made a down payment on a beach house for Them, Nick and Myself, Thomas and Tiffanie, and Morgan and Mello! And our close family friends Jasper and Linda =) So we will all split the rest of the cost... which isnt alot and it is going to be a blast!
    Also I finally got a call from Human Resources and they offered me the job I had applied for and I am so excited. A little anxious about starting over from scratch basically but know the job is from the Lord and have a real peace about it. I got the call last Monday and had to tell my boss lady Tuesday morning that Thursday would be my last day.. she was kind of surprised at how soon it would be but very happy for me which I was grateful for =) When Thursday roled around I knew it would be my last day with the kids and my boss lady was very emotional about me leaving. And that made me feel very important and special. It really didnt hit me until I was backing out of the driveway and the kids were waving bye to me =( I played a very significant role in their lives and them in mine.. But it wasnt goodbye forever I am still going to babysit when Im not working =)
    This is a huge move for me.. but I know its the right thing to do! SO lets get this ball rolling.. <3

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Loss of someone very special..

     This week started out as a pretty normal week. Started the work week monday, came home and got up Tuesday to do the same.. early Tuesday morning my mom called me and as soon as I answered the phone I knew something was wrong. She said  while crying..'Hillary, Ive got some sad news, Jasper called me this morning to let me know Josh is dead. It was an overdose and things are still kind of up in the air so Dad and I are going to Salisbury to be with Jasper and Linda." Let me now explain who Josh and Jasper are and why they are so special to our family.
    Josh and his mom and  his dad Jasper had just moved to Salisbury about 2 weeks before they were in a very bad car accident where his mother was killed. My mom and dad just happened to work at the hospital there in Salisbury the night it happened and thats how we met them. Then to find out they had just moved into a house right down the street from our house. So we ended up becoming very close. While Jasper was recovering from surgeries and going back to work, My mom would get Josh off the bus and feed him, make sure he showered, did his homework and basically helped raise him. Josh became like our brother and really evened out all of Thomas, Morgans and Mines personalities. Thomas and I werent quite as adventuress as Morgan and Josh loved being adventuress!  We would jump on the trampoline, ride fourwheerlers out in the woods, go camping and fishing, grilling out, we use to have such a great time as kids! We all even remember the Sunday Josh made the decision to ask accept Christ. =) As josh became an adult he began to struggle with some addicting behavors and although he tried and tried to conquer them, thru rehab and accountability, this past monday he paid the ultimate price after accidently overdosing on what they think was morphine. His dad found him Monday night and I cannot even imagine being a parent and finding my child in that horrible circumstance. My mom feels like she has lost one of her own children and its been a pretty tough week to say the least.
      Yesterday we had the honor being apart of Joshs memorial service. Myself, along with Thomas, and Morgan got to sing "I can only Imagine" and my dad had the honor of giving the Eulogy. And Although many tears of losing Josh were shed, Just as many happy tears were shed as well because Joshs chains of addiction are now broken. He has been set free! We had not seen Josh in a couple of years but it was like we had just seen him 2 weeks ago... we were family. His 26 short years of life will never be forgotten. We miss you and Love you Josh..

<3   Born 8-31-1984,  Set Free 12-13-2010 <3

Friday, December 10, 2010

The reasonn for the Season

     Well its finally Friday YAY!!!! This week seemed to go by very slooowwwwww. Now dont get me wrong, I love this time of the year and want it not to go by too fast but.. this week was just crazy! Nick has picked up some extra work and thankfully got it done yesterday and today so we will have the weekend to spend together =) That always makes for a fab weekend! There are so many things I need to be getting done but with having such an anxious personality type.. Im really trying to stay clam and not worry about it! We have not even started our Christmas shopping. Thankfully this year we drew names again so we only have a few gifts to buy but we know what we are getting so I guess thats a plus.
    Nick and I have made a few decisions this holiday season, not only about this Christmas but Christmas' to come.. #1 being that next year, we start our christmas shopping before the month of December starts! (possibly even finish it!) #2, pick someone to give a nice gift to who really needs some encouragement or a blessing in their life! Or who just deserves it =) #3, Soak up every second of family time! As a kid, Christmas was always a huge deal in our family not because Santa came but because our grandparents would travel 3 or 4 hours from SC to where we lived and spend the night.. Also Christmas day is my Daddys birthday =) So Its a very special time. My brother, Thomas introduced me to a song I had never heard before last week. I cant remember the exact title but it was the story of a little boy at the mall where all the kids had lined up to sit on Santas lap, and he asked where the line for Jesus was.. it was very powerful! And something to think about.. obviously theres nothing wrong with Santa bringing gifts =) Or Santa himself (hes just so lovable =)
But remembering that He is the reason for this Season (And every season really) is most important. <3

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Its the Most wonderful time Of the Year !!

Well it is finally December and I am loving it so far! The weather finally feels like its suppose to.. COLD! And although I love cold weather, that doesnt mean I like being out in it. I love the whole atmosphere of it. Fireplaces going, sweat pants and hoodies, snuggling, Christmas time.. etc. It is most definitely my favorite time of the year =) I do think a lot of times this time of year we let our priorities get out of l ine. Whether its trying to get those last minute gifts, or running here and there and everywhere to pick up this or that... Ive really tried to keep a mindset of Christ this year so far because after all, He is what Christmas is all about anyway right? Working with kids 5 days out of the week, well really 7 days a week if I include my husband ; ) And seeing commercials for all these new things they are coming up with and hearing "I want that!" really puts into perspective for me what I do have already. For the past 3 years or so my family has been drawing names for Christmas because its just been easier financially for everyone! Nick and I may do a little something for each other and a stocking but we decided this year that instead of spending what we usually might on each other that we wanted to bless someone else. So we will be purchasing a Play Station 3 for a young man in our church who we think pretty highly of.. =) and who is more than deserving. We really werent sure where the finances were going to come from but we just knew that if the Lord had layed it on our hearts that He would obviously provide what we needed! So we just believing.. <3
Remember this Christmas season that although all the gifts and presents are nice.. its not all about those things! Enjoy your time with family, share with them what the Lord is doing in your life, and keep a giving heart! =))

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Most Wonderful time of the Year =)

Oh. My. Goodness. I cannot believe its aleady December 1st!! =) This year has flown by like crazy but I absolutely love the month of December! Everyone gets there Christmas tree and starts putting up their decorations and Christmas music is my favorite! Im also excited because this is the first Christmas Nick and I are in our own place with our own Christmas tree =D Its makes me smile to think about.. (obviously) Not only our first Christmas in our own place but I finally got all my ornaments Mom had collected for me to have when I got married to put on our tree. Every year she would buy new ornaments and her theme was snowmen =) So she would buy 3 of every ornament for each of her kids to have so I got quite a few cute snowmen for our tree <3 (ill post pics in a bit) We also knew with a puppy in the house we might have to keep a closer eye on them because he might think their his to play with... Sure enough we have had to chase him down more than once with a snowflake or snowman in his mouth LOL Christmas is most definitely the most wonderful time of year =)