Sunday, December 26, 2010

The start of something new..=)

     Christmas has already come and gone and I feel like it went by way too fast! This Christmas season has been amazing and to make it even better.. last night it started snowing!! Oh how I love snow <3 Jaq didnt know what to think about it.. everytime we took him out he starting munching on it like it was a snack =D For Christmas this year as I mentioned we drew names and Mom and dad still do stockings and some santa gifts ;) This year our big Santa gift was a trip to the beach next summer!!!! Well Mom and Dad made a down payment on a beach house for Them, Nick and Myself, Thomas and Tiffanie, and Morgan and Mello! And our close family friends Jasper and Linda =) So we will all split the rest of the cost... which isnt alot and it is going to be a blast!
    Also I finally got a call from Human Resources and they offered me the job I had applied for and I am so excited. A little anxious about starting over from scratch basically but know the job is from the Lord and have a real peace about it. I got the call last Monday and had to tell my boss lady Tuesday morning that Thursday would be my last day.. she was kind of surprised at how soon it would be but very happy for me which I was grateful for =) When Thursday roled around I knew it would be my last day with the kids and my boss lady was very emotional about me leaving. And that made me feel very important and special. It really didnt hit me until I was backing out of the driveway and the kids were waving bye to me =( I played a very significant role in their lives and them in mine.. But it wasnt goodbye forever I am still going to babysit when Im not working =)
    This is a huge move for me.. but I know its the right thing to do! SO lets get this ball rolling.. <3

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Loss of someone very special..

     This week started out as a pretty normal week. Started the work week monday, came home and got up Tuesday to do the same.. early Tuesday morning my mom called me and as soon as I answered the phone I knew something was wrong. She said  while crying..'Hillary, Ive got some sad news, Jasper called me this morning to let me know Josh is dead. It was an overdose and things are still kind of up in the air so Dad and I are going to Salisbury to be with Jasper and Linda." Let me now explain who Josh and Jasper are and why they are so special to our family.
    Josh and his mom and  his dad Jasper had just moved to Salisbury about 2 weeks before they were in a very bad car accident where his mother was killed. My mom and dad just happened to work at the hospital there in Salisbury the night it happened and thats how we met them. Then to find out they had just moved into a house right down the street from our house. So we ended up becoming very close. While Jasper was recovering from surgeries and going back to work, My mom would get Josh off the bus and feed him, make sure he showered, did his homework and basically helped raise him. Josh became like our brother and really evened out all of Thomas, Morgans and Mines personalities. Thomas and I werent quite as adventuress as Morgan and Josh loved being adventuress!  We would jump on the trampoline, ride fourwheerlers out in the woods, go camping and fishing, grilling out, we use to have such a great time as kids! We all even remember the Sunday Josh made the decision to ask accept Christ. =) As josh became an adult he began to struggle with some addicting behavors and although he tried and tried to conquer them, thru rehab and accountability, this past monday he paid the ultimate price after accidently overdosing on what they think was morphine. His dad found him Monday night and I cannot even imagine being a parent and finding my child in that horrible circumstance. My mom feels like she has lost one of her own children and its been a pretty tough week to say the least.
      Yesterday we had the honor being apart of Joshs memorial service. Myself, along with Thomas, and Morgan got to sing "I can only Imagine" and my dad had the honor of giving the Eulogy. And Although many tears of losing Josh were shed, Just as many happy tears were shed as well because Joshs chains of addiction are now broken. He has been set free! We had not seen Josh in a couple of years but it was like we had just seen him 2 weeks ago... we were family. His 26 short years of life will never be forgotten. We miss you and Love you Josh..

<3   Born 8-31-1984,  Set Free 12-13-2010 <3

Friday, December 10, 2010

The reasonn for the Season

     Well its finally Friday YAY!!!! This week seemed to go by very slooowwwwww. Now dont get me wrong, I love this time of the year and want it not to go by too fast but.. this week was just crazy! Nick has picked up some extra work and thankfully got it done yesterday and today so we will have the weekend to spend together =) That always makes for a fab weekend! There are so many things I need to be getting done but with having such an anxious personality type.. Im really trying to stay clam and not worry about it! We have not even started our Christmas shopping. Thankfully this year we drew names again so we only have a few gifts to buy but we know what we are getting so I guess thats a plus.
    Nick and I have made a few decisions this holiday season, not only about this Christmas but Christmas' to come.. #1 being that next year, we start our christmas shopping before the month of December starts! (possibly even finish it!) #2, pick someone to give a nice gift to who really needs some encouragement or a blessing in their life! Or who just deserves it =) #3, Soak up every second of family time! As a kid, Christmas was always a huge deal in our family not because Santa came but because our grandparents would travel 3 or 4 hours from SC to where we lived and spend the night.. Also Christmas day is my Daddys birthday =) So Its a very special time. My brother, Thomas introduced me to a song I had never heard before last week. I cant remember the exact title but it was the story of a little boy at the mall where all the kids had lined up to sit on Santas lap, and he asked where the line for Jesus was.. it was very powerful! And something to think about.. obviously theres nothing wrong with Santa bringing gifts =) Or Santa himself (hes just so lovable =)
But remembering that He is the reason for this Season (And every season really) is most important. <3

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Its the Most wonderful time Of the Year !!

Well it is finally December and I am loving it so far! The weather finally feels like its suppose to.. COLD! And although I love cold weather, that doesnt mean I like being out in it. I love the whole atmosphere of it. Fireplaces going, sweat pants and hoodies, snuggling, Christmas time.. etc. It is most definitely my favorite time of the year =) I do think a lot of times this time of year we let our priorities get out of l ine. Whether its trying to get those last minute gifts, or running here and there and everywhere to pick up this or that... Ive really tried to keep a mindset of Christ this year so far because after all, He is what Christmas is all about anyway right? Working with kids 5 days out of the week, well really 7 days a week if I include my husband ; ) And seeing commercials for all these new things they are coming up with and hearing "I want that!" really puts into perspective for me what I do have already. For the past 3 years or so my family has been drawing names for Christmas because its just been easier financially for everyone! Nick and I may do a little something for each other and a stocking but we decided this year that instead of spending what we usually might on each other that we wanted to bless someone else. So we will be purchasing a Play Station 3 for a young man in our church who we think pretty highly of.. =) and who is more than deserving. We really werent sure where the finances were going to come from but we just knew that if the Lord had layed it on our hearts that He would obviously provide what we needed! So we just believing.. <3
Remember this Christmas season that although all the gifts and presents are nice.. its not all about those things! Enjoy your time with family, share with them what the Lord is doing in your life, and keep a giving heart! =))

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Most Wonderful time of the Year =)

Oh. My. Goodness. I cannot believe its aleady December 1st!! =) This year has flown by like crazy but I absolutely love the month of December! Everyone gets there Christmas tree and starts putting up their decorations and Christmas music is my favorite! Im also excited because this is the first Christmas Nick and I are in our own place with our own Christmas tree =D Its makes me smile to think about.. (obviously) Not only our first Christmas in our own place but I finally got all my ornaments Mom had collected for me to have when I got married to put on our tree. Every year she would buy new ornaments and her theme was snowmen =) So she would buy 3 of every ornament for each of her kids to have so I got quite a few cute snowmen for our tree <3 (ill post pics in a bit) We also knew with a puppy in the house we might have to keep a closer eye on them because he might think their his to play with... Sure enough we have had to chase him down more than once with a snowflake or snowman in his mouth LOL Christmas is most definitely the most wonderful time of year =)

Saturday, November 20, 2010


     Last night we had our Young Adult get together at my parents house. Its something our church does for ages 18-35 just for good fellowship. We had a fabulous time snacking and sitting by the firepit sharing what the Lord is doing in our lives. I couldnt help but think about how greatful we should be just for that... being able to sit in our back yard, and talk about the Lord. We all went around shared something the Lord is trying to teach us or is doing in our lives and its amazing how many people God is trying to teach similar things too. One thing I shared was that I really feel like th Lord is teaching me (and Nick) to Surrender. Which doesnt mean letting Him handle our problems whn we feel like it... but sincerely casting our worries and fears on Him and having Faith that can move mountains. Giving it ALL to Him because He has our backs. =) He is our source of EVERYTHING! We should seek Him in ALL we do! Thanksgiving is next week... one of my favorite holidays and I cant even to name everything I am thankful for =) Although Nick and I arent going to be with all of family and will for sure miss the ones we wont be seeing we do get to spend it with a few we are extremely happy to be with <3

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Everything is ordained by HIM =)

   So after a very relaxing weekend and coffee with a lovely friend ;)! Yesterday I had to work from 7am to 10pm! And although it was a looonnnggggggg day it was a good one and thats what counts! And I received a phone call Ive been waiting patiently for for about 2 months!!! God is so good and has so many things instore for all of us. I think we as Believers forget sometimes that every single little thing or person or situation is ordained by the Lord. I believe personally that Nick and I have been in situations with family, jobs, etc in order to grow and learn from it and to have a testimony to share with others. You are at where you are right now because the Lord has placed you there.. The Lord really layed this on my heart this morning on my way to work as I was praying.. =))

Friday, November 12, 2010

Just around the corner!

    I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is literally right around the corner! AHH I love this time of year! Thanksgiving has always been a big thing for my family! Not as in we have tons of people because up until I got married, it was usually just the 8 of us. Mom, Dad, Thomas, Morgan and I, then all 3 grandparents! I think I have spent 19 out of 22 Thanksgivings in Greenville, SC! (maybe 20!) We gather at my Mama and Papas and theres this huge counter full of nothing but calories and carbs =) (my personal favs!) Its pretty much amazing! When you get married you have to learn the dynamics of your family and your husbands and how to make it work. Last year we were able to spend part of the day with some his family, and part of the day with mine. Unfortunately traveling further than Greenville (which is only 2 hours, 1 hour and 40 min if Nicks driving lol) isnt really an option.. =/ But im sure it will be fabulous as usual! The thought of going somewhere to visit makes me feel like we are going on a short vacation =D even if it is only 2 hours away!!
    God has been so good to Nick and I throughout our 2 and 1/2 year marriage, surrounding us with family and friends who support and speak the Lords favor over us! I think this year we would both agree that thats the #1 thing we are thankful for! Which means not just feeling but saying it outloud! Express how thankful you really are this Thankgiving! <3

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nashville... =)

    Last night the Country Music Awards came on! Live from Nashville, TN! Ahhh I absolutely am one of the biggest country music fans ever! I havent ever really had the money to go to all the different concerts but I have been to a few. There are so many up and rising artists is crazy! Believe it or not, years ago as a teenager I had planned on going to Nashville... I had recorded a demo and was doing a lot of performing. My senior year of highschool it calmed down a little bit then I met Nick (who would end up being my hubby) and have done an occasional wedding, funeral, and now sing in the praise band at our church! I have always known the Lord had given me a gift and cant wait to sing lullabys to my babies. Last night I was being silly inbetween commercial breaks and singing some really old country songs and my mom looked up and said  "you know I still believe in you"... I thought "do what?" She begin to explain how I had kind of given up (well may not given up but definitely put on the back burner)  my dream of being a country music singer because I wanted to get married young and have a family but she still believed I could make it! That really spoke to me.. So of course Nick looks at me with big eyes and says "There you go babe, we should try and get your music career rollin" I tried to explain to him how demanding it is and would be and he says, "so, id be right there beside you.." Of course Im thinking about the singers who were on the CMA's last night and how 90% of them had been in Nashville for years selling tshirts, bar tending, winning shows, and trying to work their way up before they finally got a record deal!
      That whole conversation made me think about my relationship with Christ and thats really how He feels about His children. He still believes in us even after we may have missed the boat (or think we have ;) , and Hes always right there beside us! So who knows what the Lord has in store musically but its worth some prayerful consideration I guess ; )

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Lovely thing I call marriage =))

  So as I posted on FB, Nick and I made a spontaneous trip to Greenville Saturday evening and came home Sunday night! And It was just what we needed! We saw some family we hadnt seen since July and got to spend some "couple" time with My sister and Camillo (her fiance). Morgan had an appointment to try on some wedding dresses and I have to say it was so special to spend that time with her! And of course she look beautiful in all of them! Shes been working really hard and really looked fabulous! While we were trying on dresses, The boys went and walked around the mall and did some guys things! And I love to see my Nicholas bond with Mello and my brother Thomas! It makes me very very happy =) Thomas and Morgan are both getting married next year... Thomas in March and Morgan in May! I cant believe it! Very special because Im the youngest and was the first to get married and now I get to watch them =)
   All of this wedding hooplah has brought back some lovely memories of my wedding planning and wedding day and to be honest it makes me want to do it all over again! =) Its such a special time and its so important to enjoy every second! I definitely enjoyed every second of mine and wouldnt change a thing.. but it would be fun to do it again! One peice of advice I would give to anyone whose engaged or who is wanting to get married.. Marriage counseling (no matter your age) is very very important! I think so many times people are planning, planning for their wedding day.. which last a few hours...and are not planning for after the big day. The next 50 + years of your life. And although its important to do everything the way you want it.. Think about it. On your wedding day your on cloud nine.. but sometimes reality hits pretty hard when you come home from the honeymoon. No matter how well you think you know the other person! Counseling was a requirement for Nick and I and I think it should be for all couples! To this day Nick and I discuss things that were talked about in counseling and it has helped revolve quite a few issues that have come up! Nick and I have been through A LOT our first couple years.. Job loss, family crisis, we've seen a marriage fall apart before our eyes and it was tough and emotional but it has made "our" marriage even stronger!
      Another peice of advice or encouragement (if you want to take it that way).. I personally disagree with "You are not only marrying your spouse but your spouses family".. Thats a load of cow patties in my opinion. Yes You may be marrying into his or her family but when you get married, You are your own,  new family! Its you and your spouse.. and although they are still your family and always be, and you have to consider them in some things and be respectful and loving, in the end you have to make sure  (in whatever decision is being made) that your putting your relationship first! (that deosnt meant you are selfish or dont love them, even though not everyone may understand why you made a certain decision you know the truth and know you love them) You cannot let someone elses problems come between your marriage =)
Marriage is a fun and exciting journey.. I know ours has been! Just keep the Lord the Center of it!! Thats the most important thing!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Are you in the "valley" ??

   Ok, I have not blogged in a few days because I was really struggling with what to blog about! And today it hit me like ton of flippin bricks!!! These past couple of weeks have been something else for sure and seeing so many close friends and family experience job loss or financial difficulty (because lets face it people, we are all struggling in some way or another!) is really hard on my emotions! I have a tendency to take on other peoples burdens and really feel them deep down in my spirit.. Through Nicks second (yes I said second) job loss in the 2 and a half years since we've been married we have always seen the Lord provide! But I have felt  more strongly this time around the Lord wants to show Nick and I not only that HE is our provider (not some company) and we MUST depend on him for EVERYTHING!!!! And also I felt like this whole situation may give Nick and I the opportunity to give encouragement, and understanding of what others may go through! And the Lord has come through once again (as HE always does) for us to do just that with some close friends and family! I cannot even explain the "peace" we have had over finances since this whole thing.. we have paid off 3 medical bills, put more money back sense nick lost his job than we had in a couple months, Tithed on a regular basis (and let me tell you, thats the most important thing you could ever do!)
   In this day and time, we (as Believers) cannot afford to be selfish with what the Lord has given us. I think if we all would work together and help each other out, things would be less stressful! Have someone over for supper if you know they are short on groceries, If someone needs you (or someone) to watch their kid(s) offer to do it for free, Pick up the dinner ticket, Or you could send an encouraging note, give a hug, a smile goes along way. When people see you praising the Lord through your storm in life, it can prompt that one person to do the same! I am going to confess this week has been just really slow for me.. I was feeling down and I am comletely exhausted just not feeling it if ya know what I mean and I got in the car to go home from work yesterday and a song by a group I cannot remember the name of (surprise surprise)   and it said I must go through the valley to stand upon the mountain of God! How refreshing! I think Many of us are going through the valley at this very moment, but just remember you will stand on the Mountain of God =)

Monday, November 1, 2010

What season are you in??

    I cannot believe it is November 1st! Wow this year has been flying by! But thankfully today actually feels like fall weather wise =) Ive been waiting for it.. <3 We had such a fabulous time camping Friday and Saturday with our church family out at Cane Creek. You know, its really neat to spend time with your church friends and family "outside" of the church walls! I had not been camping in over 10 years I think and I really enjoyed it. Well everything except all the granddaddy longlegs! UGH they were everywhere! (lol) Unfortunately we forgot to take pictures haha..
     You know with the weather finally starting to change, the leaves turning all these beautiful colors, it reminds me of life. We all go through different seasons and change happens. You may be in a season of financial struggle, of family issues, job loss, bad health... whatever it may be just remember that the Lord is Faithful. We dont always understand why we may be going through a "not so great season" but there is purpose and reason =) I say that from experience! Sometimes it also may feel like everything good or great is happening to people around you who may not even be saved and you think to yourself.."its not fair.. why are they prospering and Im not?" But you are prospering!!! You may be going through what you are right now because you are going to be able to give testimony to someone else who may be experiencing it later on.. or because the Lord is wanting you surrender everything to him and teach you that He is all you will ever need!  I know the Lord is teaching me and my husband that =) What season are you going through..?? Think about it <3

Friday, October 29, 2010

Camping? Me? no way... =)

     So its finally Friday!! YAY! And this weekend should be especially interesting because we are leaving this afternoon to go on a church camping trip to Cane Creek! I am pretty excited but I say it should be interesting because anyone who knows me knows Im not to much of the outdoorsy type.. unless Im at the beach then I could spend the whole day outside =)) I know most people dont "like" bugs, but im a little bit extreme when it comes to that!  If anyone knows the correct phobia for bugs or insects.. please let me know!
Nick and I are sharing a camp site and tent with my mom, dad, and my brother. Oh and lets not forget Jaq =D It should be a fun time of fellowship and being adventuress with our church family. What else could you ask for when it come to your church? We are very blessed to have such lovely people to call "church family"
We have been attending Church With A Purpose for about a year and half now and I can honestly say that in 22 years of being in church, this is the first church where I actually take what  the Pastor says on Sundays and get something out it.. the first church where I have let the Spirit of the Lord really use my gifts and be free. In the time we have been there my brother has met, courted, and is now engaged to his future wife, I have seen the Lord do things in my husbands life that every wifey should have the priviledge to see, and feel so accepted and encouraged from people I barely knew it was just overwelming =) So taking this camping trip with them is just going to be fabulous!!! We will be posting pictures over the weekend =)

Thursday, October 28, 2010


 So I went back to Target today because my mom was nice enough to let me do a few things around the house to earn some spending money. Ive pretty much decided your never to old to do that =) I had $25 to spend and I was determined to get the most for my money. The first area I went to was the Clearance section! Also my favorite =) Heres a couple of the items I found ...

                        These adorable babydoll shoes were 75% off!! I paid $3.24 .. (I got 2 pair =)
                       These High heels were also 75% off.. I paid $4. 50 for them.. arent the cute?!?
                            This shirt was about $20 a few months ago.. got it today for $9.98 =)
                                          Heres an upclose of the middle section.. I could not pass up the deal!!

I also got a medium length black rope neck dress. And yes although its sleeveless, you can always wear any color sweater to dress it up even more and keep warm! I paid $4.98 for that!!! Im telling you, you can find so many good deals in the clearance. For all 5 items I purchased today my total was $28!
Heres a few fashion tips I have picked up for myself (If you think their weird or just not good, then dont use them =) )
1. For thicker women like myself, look in the maternity section! Even if your done having babies or havent had any yet.. maternity clothes fit more comfortable on thicker shapes because they arent so fitted! adding a belt right under your bust line makes it look totally "not maternity". (and if your one who hasnt had babies yet but you plan on it... youll already have some maternity clothes!! ;)
2. Buy a few different of the wider belts.. different colors and you can wear them with the same shirt (long or short) with different pants and its a whole new outfit =)
3. Do not compare yourself to other women you may see or know who may have the shape you "think" you should have! Your beautiful and you should think of yourself as such =)

Next time your in a store... head to the clearance section! <3

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thought I would share some pics of Me and Tone~tone..

Heres Mom and I on my wedding day =) oh she was so fabulous on that special day
 Love this one.. my mom was so happy and excited on my wedding day.. she didnt cry! HA then tears came about 2 months later.. =))))

Target Troubles...and Tone~tone to the Rescue

    So I absolutely love Target! Their $1 section always has the most fabulous little things! They also have quite a bit in their cleareance.. I had not been in a while just with work and not really wanting to spend extra $$ but everyone knows sometimes there are deals you just cant pass up! So to avoid spending anything extra I have just passed right on by for a couple months! So this morning after I dropped Mia (the little girl I nanny) off at preschool, I decided I was going to go in and just glance around. Well to my surprise all these cute shirts, purses, wallets, shoes, and home decor I had been waiting on to go on sale months ago is on sale NOW! ... =/  So I said to myself, "so now that my hubby is out of work, and we are saving every flippin penny,(and I do mean every flippin penny lol) you decide to go on sale!?" ... So feeling a little discouraged I texted my mom, who I text about 25 times a day and see her at least 4 or 5 times a week, and told her my dilema! And as usual she encouraged me and made a funny (a joke =) and told me if I would help her do some cleaning and organizing, she would pay me and I could go back and get a few of the little things I wanted! ( and to be honest I felt like I was 8 years old again and was earning an allowance but then I pushed that thought away and said hey if this is another way the Lord is going to provide Ill take it =) We call my mom Tone~tone because for one her name is Toni, and two there use to be the sweetest lady who came into the ER where my mom works. Her name was Joyce and she called my mom Tone~tone <3 Joyce has passed away but the nickname.. it stuck!
 My Mom and Dad are pretty much amazing and sometimes I offer to help clean or do whatever she needs because they've been so fabulous. But in our family, You dont worry about if someone has paid you back or not, it all evens out somewhere.  All of it has made me wonder where Id be if I had grown up with a not so positive way of dealing with things.. definitely not where I am now! My Tone~tone is one of my best friends and throughout my childhood she and my dad demonstrated to Myself, My brother Thomas and sister Morgan unconditonal love. No matter what we did, we may have gotten in trouble, but they never put us down or discouraged us. They sacrificed and went without so that we were happy and had what we wanted or needed! I have so many wonderful memories from my childhood sometimes I can literally smell a memory.. (I know thats weird but its true) So once again.. its Tone~tone to the rescue =D

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

     When I woke up this morning, I realized how blessed I am. Ive always known in my heart how blessed I am but Ive been trying to think about the small things lately. Friday when we got the news that Nick had lost his job, the thing that hit me was how unfair it was. And then I remembered life isnt always fair =) As Christians, I believe the Lord puts us in situations that may not be ideal to teach us to depend on Him. I began to pray on my way home and immediately the Lord began to make me aware of how much Nick and I really do have. Which is a lot more than a lot of others have. We all have so much more than we think or realize. Our society is always telling us we need to have this or that when honestly we all need to learn to be satisfied with what we do have! Its the little things.... When we were feeling a little discouraged Saturday evening we were sitting at the kitchen table doing some stuff on the computer. And Jaq (pronounced Jack) our Italian Doxie.. yes his mother was an Italian Greyhound and his father was a dachshund (didnt make sense to me at first either lol) got a wild hair and just started practically doing flips off the couch and we could not help but laugh out loud. In that moment Jaq brought a smile to our face.... Im sure he would put one on yours too =) Hes about 4 months old now 

                                                   Heres baby Jaq =) about 6 weeks old
                                          and heres big boy Jaq .... not so innocent anymore ;)

   Dont get me wrong... there are some days I wonder what I was thinking when I brought him home. hehe ;) But its nights like this past saturday that I remember =))

Monday, October 25, 2010

Never Thought Id be a "Blogger"

   You know its funny how the Lord changes your heart over the years. As a child, when it came to reading, writing, etc.. I wasnt ever very enthusiastic about any one of them. That was more of my lovely sisters interest. Although I did them and usually did pretty well, it was never a desire of mine. But in my more "mature" years =) the Lord has given me a love for it and it even brings back some fabulous memories from my childhood! 
  Thats what I love about my Jesus. He puts desires in your heart that you never thought would be there. Recently my husband Nicholas (or My Nicki as I love to call him) have been experiencing some tough times in life but thru it all we have grown as couple and learned many things. In the two and a half years we have been married, we have experienced  family struggles, job losses, financial stress, etc. Im pretty sure just about every couple does in there first couple of years of marriage. =) We have witnessed first hand how satan tries to come in and get you down. Key word "tries."
But thru all of it, we have had support on every level possible. Spiritually being the most important! Had it not been for a family that loved us, a church family that loved us, and most of all a God who loves us and whose love NEVER fails, Im not sure where we would be right now.
   I strongly believe the Lord is trying to teach Nick and I to rely on Him for everything. Hes more than enough. I use to sing a song called "On Time God"
He's an ontime God, Yes He is
He May not come when you want Him
But He'll be there right on time
He's an ontime God, Yes he is

Sometimes its hard to believe that when time is running down and bills are due. But the Bible says in Psalms 37:25 "I was young, now I am old Yet I have never seen the rightoues forsaken or their children beggins bread."
He is always Faithful. <3